Sohar University signs incubation arrangements for small businesses as part of the Ministry of Economy’s objectivesSohar University signs incubation arrangements for small businesses as part of the Ministry of Economy’s objectives.

Sohar University, represented by Sohar University, signed an agreement to incubate four small Omani enterprises to enable them to operate in the industrial sector and develop their projects, as well as provide administrative and technical support, in line with the Ministry of Economy’s initiatives to support small and medium enterprises.

Representatives from Sohar University, the General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises, and representatives from the incubation company were present for the signing of the agreement. Aspects of the parties’ collaboration were examined and work plans were discussed at every stage. as well as discussing the recycling service firm, which will be one of the incubated companies through one of its manufacturing industry projects. The two parties—Sohar University and the Service Company for Recycling—discussed methods to collaborate in the areas of recycling and environmental research and development, as well as training for university students and graduates.

Both sides agreed that the work on producing the initial molds locally increases the local added value. During their conversation, the two parties also discussed mechanisms for cooperation in the field of local manufacturing industries, as well as how to empower small and medium businesses in that sector through the Sohar Production Center, one of the most prominent local centers for advanced manufacturing industries.

One of the companies specializing in the sectors of recycling and trash management is the recycling service company. It conducts business and provides services in the local and Saudi markets, as well as working on a variety of initiatives in this field. This collaboration with Sohar University serves as a foundation for a planned local recycling project that will provide extra local value in the transformative industries sectors.

This collaboration between the Ministry of Economy, the Small and Medium Enterprises Authority, and Sohar University serve as a model for linking the country’s industrial sector with education, research, and development in order to support the Sultanate’s national visions and goals.

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