Why Should You opt For Waste Recycling?

The planet has a stack of things that harms it in multiple ways. Be it the various forms of pollution, exploitation of resources, deforestation, overfishing, and overpopulation, the list can name a lot many activities. Earth having the gloomy picture of its environment finds hope for amelioration in the act of recycling. The all-round solution addresses multiple environmental issues as well as the concern of unemployment.

Recycling is a process of finding the worth of items that seem waste and thereby to prevent them from reaching landfills, oceans, and incinerators. Though many recycling companies in Oman and the rest of the world are engaged in this process, it is still convenient even for an individual to reuse items such as plastic bottles, paper, cardboard, cans, and more, and help minimize the menace of waste to the world.

In addition to the advantage of the basic reuse step, recycling offers large-scale benefits that have been discussed below through various categories. Recycling Services LLC also contributes to the following facets of environmental protection via recycling in Oman.

1. Recycling reduces the burden on landfills

Landfills are too full of human garbage and other waste materials that decompose and produce harmful gases such as CO2 and methane and thereby contribute to global warming. Landfills also release toxic chemicals to the environment which reach us through various levels on the food chain. We must recycle waste and prevent it from reaching landfills.

2. Recycling conserves natural resources

By recycling paper, plastic, metals, glass, and more, we can protect our natural resources, many of which are available in a limited amount and may exhaust shortly if their overexploitation continues. Recycling leads to wise usage of resources and thus helps to avoid other problems namely pollution, deforestation, soil erosion, and loss of wildlife.

3. Recycling saves energy

The creation of items from scratch requires fresh raw materials and causes more consumption of energy compared to making products from recycled materials. For instance, producing aluminum and paper from recycled cans, foils and pulped paper requires 40% to 95% a lesser amount of energy. The energy is saved as there is a limited need for extraction, purification, or transportation of raw materials.

4. Recycling limits pollution

By reducing the amount of trash going to landfills and the need for new raw materials, recycling helps to cut down the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Slashed emissions would also result from a lesser number of machines operating to incinerate waste. Thus, recycling is also a solution to global warming.

5. Recycling benefits the economy

All over the world an enormous amount of waste is produced every day and a lot of this needs to be recycled. Recycling this rubbish will require trained and huge manpower and it would be one of the answers to unemployment and the economy that is hardest hit by a coronavirus.

6. Recycling protects wildlife

Around 8 million tons of plastic reach oceans every year which harms marine species as they ingest or get entangled by plastic debris. Scientific research findings have shown plastic fragments in 44% of all seabird species, 43% of all marine mammal species, and 86% of all sea turtle species. Recycling plastic helps to keep these hazardous elements away from water bodies.

Apart from ocean pollution, animals get entrapped or hurt by cans, jars, glass bottles or broken glass, and more. Recycling helps to prevent these trash items from reaching close to wildlife.

7 Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

With reuse and recycle already being discussed, we all need to also follow the principle of reducing and try to limit the usage of items in the first place. And, those that we use should be reused as much as possible before we leave them for being recycled. These three ‘Rs’ form an important step in achieving the waste management Oman challenge. We should always remember that we are morally accountable for our waste and its correct disposal.

The Difference Between Reusable Vs. Disposable

The demands dynamics in the 21st century are driven by ease of use. The easier a product or good is to use, the more it will sell. The ease of use offered by disposable products in the form of packaging material carry bags, cutlery, etc. accounted for raising the global demand for disposable products. However, while focusing on the ease of use and the cheap price of a disposable product, we completely overlooked the environmental impact of it.

According to a report publishes by the UN in 2019, the annual global usage of single-use plastic bags is around five trillion. That means nearly two million single-use plastic bags are used every minute across the globe. These alarming stats are not only confined to disposable products of plastic material, but disposable products which are termed as ‘ecofriendly’ are an issue of concern, too. Millions of trees are cut to produce paper bags that are used up in a single year by one country.

Now, you must be wondering what type of products should you go for? The answer is reusable products. To help you understand how reusable products induce minimum damage to the environment, we have compared them with disposable products based on the following factors:

●      Carbon Footprints and Emissions:

Carbon Footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere to carry out a particular activity. In this case, a carbon footprint is the number of resources and energy utilized to produce these products.

To your surprise, the carbon footprint of HDPE (High-density polythene) is less than that of paper bags and reusable bags. But, since on average a person uses thousands of plastic or paper bags in their lifetime, the low carbon footprint is compensated by high demand, leading to the carbon footprint through single-use products being more than that of a reusable product. Whereas, if you choose to use a reusable product to its full capacity, you will be able to bring down your carbon footprint.

●      Cost benefits:

Reusable products are a one-time investment that goes as long as you wish to maintain it. The cost at the time of purchase is more than that of a single-use product, but you do not need to make a purchase every time you require the product since the product is reusable, you can use it multiple times. In the long run, reusable products are, therefore, more cost-effective than single-use products.

In addition to this, once you are through with a single-use product, it needs to be disposed of. The cost of disposing of a product is high which peaks up further based on the material of the product. Whereas, in the case of a reusable product, even after utilizing the product to its full capacity, the cost of recycling or laundering the product is much lower than the cost of disposing of a single-use product.

Apart from these major benefits, reusable products help us in generating a lesser amount of waste, preserve natural resources and energy while helping us control the emission of harmful substances in the atmosphere. It is now up to us to make conscious choices to preserve the environment.

Recycling Services is a firm that provides waste management services in Oman, has already made this conscious choice a while back. Adding more to this, they will be introducing a wide range of reusable products soon.

Recycling and global changes

The world is going through many changes and challenges in all fields and levels. The environmental sector occupies great interest by governments, organizations, societies, and individuals at the global level because of its great impact on human life and the sustainability of the planet on which we all live in.

In recent decades, the environmental sector has formed a lot of concerns and many effects that have led to the emergence and exacerbation of problems like global warming and emitted gases and rise on sea level as a result of many industrial practices that led to a rise in gases emitted into the air and an increase in the proportion of many problems and challenges that began to affect directly and indirectly on human life.

Many countries now are working on innovating and formulating effective solutions to these environmental challenges. Waste recycling comes as one of these effective solutions because it has a significant impact on reducing the percentage of waste that goes to landfills which is dealt with in a traditional way, which leads to significant negative effects, and plays an important role in the sector. Recycling reduces these effects by working on diverting the largest possible amount of waste and converting it into recycled raw materials that are capable of being remanufactured. This sector has constituted a strong and distinguished economic circle, as well as enhanced the culture of the circular economy significantly at the global level, as well as reducing the general waste of materials and creating economic and social value For this waste in general.

Recently, an increase in recycling projects and factories has begun and has become an integrated industrial and economic system that enhances economic mobility in countries as well as preserves raw materials and reduces general waste of materials, which led to a high percentage of practitioners of this general culture and products made of recycled materials around the world. Products made from recycled materials which have good quality.