Recycling and the circular economy
The life cycle was safe before the arrival of humans. Plants, animals, and materials reproduce in nature, yet there are
Most Needed Recycling Tips And Facts
Waste Management and Recycling both are really challenging issues for the Sultanate of Oman just because of high waste generation
Reality of Shoes and Recycling
Sneakers, flats, stilettos, pumps, dress shoes, and loafers are items of clothing we often take for granted. Every day, millions
Recycling in KSA
The world of recycling has taken center stage in today’s society, as countries strive to develop sustainable solutions for waste
Saudi Arabia, recycling and waste management
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is moving according to a clear strategic vision for dealing with waste and working to
Utilize modern technology to recycle plastic waste!
Plastic garbage, especially when burned, has a terrible negative impact on the ecosystem. Growing concern about the global environmental crisis
Does science stop at the manufacture of plastic only?
As a result of our excessive consumption in recent decades, the risk of plastic pollution and the resulting harms has
Recycling and waste management
We’re talking about recycling today, and we’ll go over several recycling-related things. Many people believe that recycling and reusing are
Oman’s recycling opportunity
Every day, we see photos and videos of huge plastic debris sweeping wildlife and marine life. Why is it that
Is plastic a problem or is it a valuable resource?
Many people view plastic as a problem!!! Is it really a problem!!! Many people view plastic as a problem!!! Is
The Sultanate’s Ambassador In Riyadh Inaugurates The Service Company’s Recycling Branch In The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia.
His Highness Ambassador Sayyid Faisal bin Turki Al Said, Sultanate of Oman’s Ambassador in Riyadh, officially opened a branch of
The initiative of the Ministry of Economy and the Service Company for recycling
Sohar University signs incubation arrangements for small businesses as part of the Ministry of Economy’s objectivesSohar University signs incubation arrangements